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Book Review Submissions
You know your book needs to be reviewed in order to make people like librarians and bookstore buyers aware of it. But how do you get those reviews?
You'd be surprised, but many of those reviews require payment to the reviewers - currently anywhere between $150 - $575. Figuring out how to do that and where to send your book for greatest impact can take a huge amount of time. And it's something that needs to be done before your book is published, so you don't have the luxury of a long learning curve!
If your publisher is not helping you get book reviews, we can do that for you. We already know the standard places you need to be reviewed and how to submit books to reviewers. You tell us your goals for the book and supply the galley proofs. We'll bill you for our time, shipping, and the cost of the reviews.
Time's a-wastin'! If you want reviews to help you sell your book by its release date, click that button below to get started today!