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Author Image Coaching

Who are you? And who are you as an author? Those questions may have two very different answers!


Knowing how to project the right image to sell your book(s) is important. Yet many authors have never considered how their personal image affects the sales of their books.


Fortunately, we can help you with that! Schedule your Author Image Consultation, and Lynn will spend a day with you, discussing all the aspects of your author branding that can lead to better sales.


We won't lie: this is a high-priced package. But it includes one-on-one instruction at your location, a written summary personalized for you, a shopping trip, and follow up to handle any questions you may have after the initial day-long session. Click on the button below to book your session!


Interested in less customized coaching for a lower rate? An online course is coming soon!

We help you tell...and sell...your story.

If you've read enough on here and you're ready to get started, we look forward to hearing from you!


​Telephone : ​904-672-7466

(Note: Lynn doesn't answer the phone when working on a project. You're better off emailing her.)
Email :

Located in the United States

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Are you a leader?


If you lead a team and need a little something to give you a boost, read Lynn's leadership  book, The Feline CEO! It takes lessons learned from cat behavior and applies them to leadership. Whether you're leading a company, a nonprofit organization, a church, or a work group, there's something in it for you! (And you don't even need to love cats.)



© 2024, Thompson Writing & Editing, Inc.

Jacksonville, Florida, USA

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